OUCC Proceedings 9 (1979)


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The expedition would like to thank its financial sponsors:

A.A. Paton Memorial Fund
Barbinder Trust
Draper's Company
Oxford University Exploration Club
Oxford University
Sports Council of Great Britain

The Birmingham Evening Mail and West Lancashire Evening Gazette both carried two articles about the expedition and assisted financially. Individual grants were also awarded by the AC Irvine Travel Fund, Magdalen College, St John's College and Wadham College.

Medical supplies and various other items were obtained through the Oxford University Exploration Club Joint Applications Scheme.

The British Cave Research Association, Comite Nacional de Espeleologia, Comision Nacional de Geologia, and Comite Regional Noroeste de Espeleologia all assisted with documentation, as well as the Spanish Embassy in London.

Especial thanks are due to Sr Amador Gonzales (Ramos) of the Refugio Entrelagos where we obtained spiritual sustenance (bread and wine), relief, and weather forecasts (Maņana, Sol); also to Manolo at the Refugio Marquis Villaviciosa de Asturias at Ario.

Al did the surface surveys, mainly by triangulation, and these were redrawn by Martin for publication. Colin and Martin drew most of the other surveys, assisted by Dave and Mike. Graham and Martin assisted with computing, and Simon with photocopying, which was also used for the reduction from originals. Typing and quaint spellings are due to the shared efforts of O.U.C.C., mediated by Martin's editing.

[1999: text for www version typed in (from the very last OUCC library copy) by Joan Arthur.]