Depth through thought

OUCC News 6th October 1999

Volume 9, Number 16

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Welcome back to the new academic year, those OUCC cavers for whom it makes any difference. Depth Through Thought should be running most weeks this term, so keep sending in stories and news as always. I'm sure there's loads of material that less connected cavers would like to hear about your summer exploits, here, Spain, Austria or whereever. So, next week perhaps we'll have a few caving stories, and this first issue of the term is mainly to serve to remind you ..

Brilliant President's Invite last weekend. Save the weather that is. On Saturday, Fleur, Lou, Hilary and me managed to get flooded out of King Pot, that famously "all weather" cave, by rising water on the very first pitch (which, as Martin Laverty, that great oracle of caving pointed out, doesn't have a stream in it). Still, we had fun in the back of the van, and two of us managed to sploosh in KMC. On Sunday, things were slightly better, and about seven of us slithered like, oh I don't know, down Pipikin for a mud-ambush in Hall of the Mountain King. Unfortunately, two innocent passers by got the brunt of the cross-fire, although I have to take my helmet off to Seedy for his spectacular success at spilling me off the top of a slippery climb with a carefully aimed welly-full of water. Shame, Chris, you are not so good at navigating and had to rely on our innocent but embattled passers by to help us find the route out through Mistral.

Ogof Draenen is five Did you know that Ogof Draenen was discovered five years ago today?


"The Taj Mahal of Wales" That's Blaenavon, according to "Heritage in Wales". So romantic, seen by a full moon in summer ?
Steve Roberts

Lost Property

As of last week, Simon had found the following items in the hut waiting for claimants. Any takers before they are dumped?

Lost Caver

Anyone Out There? I seem to have missed out on a lot of club email recently. Could people, especially Paul, please add me to their general OUCC mailing lists. My address is: Thanks -
Lynn Mulelly