Depth through thoughtOUCC News 20th January 2000Volume 10, Number 0 |
DTT Volume 10 index |
pseudoEditor: Hilary Greaves
A bit brief and monoauthoressic this one, the rest is no doubt sitting in our illustrious Editor's inbox while he does fun things in South Africa or some such place. Forgive the liberty, one day
(pedantism not welcome)
Fun and frolics remember, come on you know you want it!! The dinner is on
Saturday 5th February, this is only a little bit more than 2 weeks away - early
in the term this time. So if you haven't already done so, please confirm your
place (with menu choices) to ASAP (by the end of
this week if at all poss). Ta. There'll be a party afterwards, and Oxford floor
space for as many as want it. More details nearer the time, or contact Hilary
with any queries.
Hilary Greaves
The first OUCC caving meet of the 21st century is THIS WEEKEND, in the
Mendips. We'll be staying at the MCG, unless Lev's "I don't want a romantic
weekend for two at the Wessex but I've got it so I have to use it" scheme
convinces anyone. Wasn't looking too persuasive at the end of the last beer....
Meet 8am at the hut. Trip plans include Priddy Green Sink. Contact Chris Densham
<> if you want to come/for more info.
Hilary Greaves
Another fantastic Yorkshire New Year, what a brilliant habit! Where do I
start... the middle is usually good. New Year's Eve/Day was as it should have
been - loud musicy, dancy and messy. The revelry continued until (a) 10 o'clock
because you're a shameful pansy (b) the not-so-early hours (c) the early hours
of January 2nd (select option according to stamina level) and among other things
we, er, I mean some unknown culprits, managed to cover the best part of the
ground floor of the farm in flour. (That's when you know it's been a good night,
right?!?) As for the rest of the week, it was ACE and lots of us drank lots of
beer, and went caving a bit too. The weather was particularly good at the
beginning of the week providing a few days for Top Notch trips... but I'm not
even going to attempt a trip writeup, there's far too much of it, it's all in
the little yellow book. Thanks to everyone who turned up & made the week as
good as it was, to Chris Vernon for buying the essential 9 bottles of fairy
liquid and 40 pounds of butter, and of course to the RRCPC for letting us share
their excellent little home once again.
Hilary Greaves
*********************** * That's all folks! * ***********************