Oxford University Cave Club

Pictures from the Picos de Europa, Asturias, Spain

Pozu del Xitu - 1/5 

For more info about Xitu, see OUCC Proc 9, OUCC Proc 10, 1980 Expedition logbook, 1981 Expedition logbook
and Expedition Reports 1981, 2001, 2011, 2012, 2013

OUCC Pictures main page

OUCC Home Page

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Xitu Entrance Plaque to Keith Potter Climax Rift First Pitch The Pretties Customs Hall
Customs Hall Traverse First Streamway Cover Picture Aven Pearl Pitch Teresa Series Cave Pearls (?)
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Teresa Series boulder choke The Snowcastle The Snowcastle The Snowcastle The Gap Dream Lake
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Flat Iron pitch Samaritan Streamway Samaritan Streamway climb Dave Rose jumping... Samaritan Streamway Pafs Pot
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The Flier The Classic Numbers Somewhere deep... Approach to the sump. The sump. Fernie's delight
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Detackling The camp A mystery... Jan Huning Traverse of Truth The Pretties