Income |
From members: Deposits (33
@ £70 and 4 @ £40) | 2470.00 |
Weekly contributions in
Spain | 2220.00 |
Transport (7 persons) |
910.00 |
Sale of spare ferry tickets | 290.00 |
Royal Geographical Society
| 150.00 |
Sports Council | 600.00
Ghar Parau Fund | 100.00 |
University | 368.75 |
H.A. Secretan Bequest
| 341.00 |
Trevelyan Fund | 241.00
A. C. Irvine Fund | 1200.00 |
| 25.00 |
St. Catherines College JCR |
20.00 |
T shirt sales (old stock) | 30.00
Total | 8965.75 |
Expenditure |
Photocopying of Prospectus and newsletters |
81.00 |
General Secretarial | 50.47 |
Postage and phone | 101.85 |
Scientific Equipment
| 77.72 |
Food (For underground camp) | 356.96
Insurance: Equipment | 60.00 |
Van and
Road Tax | 373.82 |
Members | 882.00
Medical | 13.55 |
| 1419.48 |
Tents | 308.24 |
| 35.35 |
Equipment: Rope | 691.05
Rigging equipment | 702.05 |
Equipment | 151.81 |
Underground Camping
| 411.34 |
General | 592.57 |
Equipment Hire | 145.00 |
Living Expenses in Spain
| 2220.00 |
Total | 8674.26 |
Surplus |
291.49 |
Predicted additional expenditure: |
Publication of final report | 50.00 |
Secretarial |
25.00 |
Photography | 100.00 |
Contribution to OUCC Proceedings 13 | 116.49 |
| 291.49 |
Expedition members have incurred additional personal expenditure not appearing
in the above accounts: