Oxford University Cave Club

1989 "Juracao " Expedition Final Report

Picos de Europa, Spain


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Expedition Accounts

From members: Deposits (33 @ £70 and 4 @ £40) 2470.00
Weekly contributions in Spain 2220.00
Transport (7 persons) 910.00
Sale of spare ferry tickets 290.00
Royal Geographical Society 150.00
Sports Council 600.00
Ghar Parau Fund 100.00
Oxford University 368.75
H.A. Secretan Bequest 341.00
Trevelyan Fund 241.00
A. C. Irvine Fund 1200.00
Donation 25.00
St. Catherines College JCR 20.00
T shirt sales (old stock) 30.00
Total 8965.75
Photocopying of Prospectus and newsletters 81.00
General Secretarial 50.47
Postage and phone 101.85
Scientific Equipment 77.72
Food (For underground camp) 356.96
Insurance: Equipment 60.00
Van and Road Tax 373.82
Members 882.00
Medical 13.55
Transport 1419.48
Tents 308.24
Photography 35.35
Equipment: Rope 691.05
Rigging equipment 702.05
Survey Equipment 151.81
Underground Camping 411.34
General 592.57
Equipment Hire 145.00
Living Expenses in Spain 2220.00
Total 8674.26
Surplus 291.49
Predicted additional expenditure:
Publication of final report 50.00
Secretarial 25.00
Photography 100.00
Contribution to OUCC Proceedings 13 116.49
Total 291.49

Expedition members have incurred additional personal expenditure not appearing in the above accounts:
Equipment purchased through the expedition 4867.78
Transport to and from Spain 3900.00