Oxford University Cave ClubHuerta del Rey Expedition 1992Final Report |
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The expedition set out from Britain well equipped for the collection of cave-dwelling arthropods because we had planned that this should form a significant part of the expedition. A shortage of personnel meant, however, that the cave where animals had been spotted in 1991 was seldom visited, and the planned 'mark, release, recapture' experiments were thus not possible.
We did, however, make one interesting find, 700m underground in Pozu Jultayu. Tony Seddon and Chris Lloyd spotted a small (12mm) white millipede in a side passage at the Windy Sump, and Sean Houlihane and David Monaghan succeeded in relocating and capturing it. Millipedes have previously been seen in Pozu Jultayu, but this is the first one that has been captured for identification.
David Monaghan