Oxford University Cave ClubEl Regallón 1997Expedition Final Report |
El Regallon Index |
On reflection, there were a few things which should have been included in the expedition report, and which weren't, for various reasons. A list of events or recurring themes which seem to have particularly stuck in the memory from the editor's point of view might include:
Riding the Devon expressway; Winning the bar quiz on the ferry (as Dog Trouble); waiting for Keith; No woman no cry; Gavin falling off his box whilst trying to pronounce Mi-shinigan-a-do rum-a-da; Yogic flying; Teaching the Welsh to sing whilst Top Camp flooded; Sitting on top of La Verdelluenga when 300m below, the calm of a Picos evening was shattered by Ian and Will running out of the tent banging pans and screaming in another vain effort to teach those cows; Psychospeleogenesis; Using beetles to divine the way through the Canalizos choke; How many people in the tyre?; The bump 'n grind helicopter...; Andy and Olly 'diving' the sump; The Night of the Flaming Gerbils (of course); Bikini Camp; The aperitif terrace; Irish coffee; The discovery of E14, totally as a result of the state of JC's behind; Hi-tech Cabeza Muxa slide shows in the refugio with SIE; Farewell singing by the Xitu entrance; The white spider; Cow attacks; Key's huge carries; An epic final day at Lagos; Alison falling in El Hoyo la Madre (allegedly); Navigating through France (Ducks, sticks and chickens/agriculture and gastronomie); Full body cavity searches; Sunset on the ferry, and arriving back in Oxford to be looked after by Sandra, Jo and Paul. Excellent.
Fenella on the subject of bolting : 'Do we need the dildo, or just the hammer?'
Tim on the subject of washing up: 'I'll certainly put some stilton in it...'
Lou on the subject of cows: 'I pretended to be a bear because I thought they might be scared of bears'.
Will on cave safety: 'I always tie a knot in both ends of the rope so I don't prussik off the end'.
And finally Gavin on the subject of beaches; 'Beaches are boring' (Cue mocking noises from everyone else present) 'They are! They're hideously boring!'