Oxford University Cave Club

2002 "Tormenta" Expedition Reports

Picos de Europa, Spain

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5th August 2002 -Email conversation between Steve Roberts and Chris Densham - who is just about to go to Spain...

CJD: Triffically popular, this (final?) dash to the Picos. Geoff's car is now definitely full with me, Geoff, Al Wilson and Rosa Clements who is going back for more! Provided we can squeeze us & all our gear in of course.

SGR: Leave some for me for next year...

CJD:  I just hope they don't finish it off this week!  I doubt we'll manage to get it to sump level so I guess it's  camping trips next year?

SGR: Don't forget that Tony, Martin Holroyd and Rick Stanton explored [in 2001] upstream Culiembro sumps to big open above-water passage with large stream junction.  There are therefore two chances at least that explorers of 54/4 might  find footprints and a diving line at the end!

CJD: I was imagining that connection, that would be just SO cool! But surely not this year..

From the CDG newsletter no 143, April 2002:

CUEVA CULIEMBRO Picos de Europa Asturias, Spain 20/9/01

DATE: 20-9-01


This was part of a Northern Pennine Club Expedition to the Picos de Europa. The aim of the dive was to push up and beyond the 5m cascade found by MH the previous year in the Round Window Series. Various sherpas had carried seven assorted cylinders to the Upstream Sump during the previous week. The divers bivouacked at the entrance on the previous night before carrying in the remaining equipment required to pass four sumps to reach MH's limit.

The four sumps, and intervening strenuous cave, were safely negotiated to the foot of the cascade by all three divers. A climb through an ox-bow enabled the cascade to be bypassed without the need for placing bolts. Beyond, the divers made steady progress against a large stream for approximately 200m to the foot of a cascade estimated at between l0m and 12m high. At this point further progress was not possible and all divers returned to the surface. Sherpas were on hand to carry gear back to Poncebos, some 7km down the Cares Gorge.