Oxford University Cave ClubOston 2004 Expedition ReportPicos de Europa, Spain
Our thanks to:
The Gordon Foundation (http://www.gordon.foundation.btinternet.co.uk)
The Ghar Parau Foundation (http://www.bcra.org.uk/gpf)
The Royal Geographical Society (http://www.rgs.org)
Oxford University (http://www.ox.ac.uk)
Floorplans North (http://www.floorplansnorth.co.uk)
Lyon Caving Equipment (http://www.lyon.co.uk)
Dragon Caving Gear (http://www.dragon-speleo.co.uk)
Mornflake Porridge Oats
Steve Roberts (home agent)
Juan-Jose Gonzales Suarez (field agent)
Gavin Lowe
Dave Legg
The expedition committee
& the expedition members!