Oxford University Cave ClubAGM 1959Secretary's Report |
Minutes, etc. |
Rather more than a year has now passed since the formation of this club and it is therefore time, to briefly review what has been done and what hasn't been done during that period in the field.
Altogether some 30 separate trips have taken place, or an average of about 1 per fortnight, since the club started, involving 19 different caves and 20 different cave sections. The two trips this term, to include Hillier's and the black hole series in Swildon's will raise this figure to 22.
From this and the fact that we have visited four different caving and potholing areas it will be seen that we have covered a fairly broad cross-section of British, and particularly Somerset, caves.
So far, no original work has been carried out by the club, this due chiefly to our distance from the limestone areas. Already, however, D. Ford reports working activities in the club's last Christmas meet, and this Easter we hope to explore and survey hitherto un-entered sections of Giants hole, Derbyshire.
Although the total membership of the club has decreased slightly since its formation, the active membership has remained roughly constant. Several new members joined last Michaelmas term and we hope they will enjoy caving with us. It is hoped that as many members as possible will join with us to make the forthcoming year, one of success.
P. W. Crabtree.
18th February 1959