Oxford University Cave Club
OUCC Home Page
Hilary Term* 2025
About OUCC
addresses, phone and email
Frequently-Asked Questions
(about caving!)
OUCC email lists
OUCC FaceBook group
Caving Meetings
Social Meetings
SRT Training
(everything on one page)
What does it cost?
(Membership, trips, equipment)
Introductory caving trips:
further information.
"Why try Caving?"
General information about introductory trips
Guidance notes for novices
" - what to bring, etc.
Finding the Club Hut
Club Documentation
(Code of Conduct, Risk Assessment, Guidance Notes, etc.)
pod fund
small grants to OUCC student cavers.
Caving Tales:
some gems from the archive
Club awards:
The Tankard
The Lemming
The Chair's Hat
of Club General Meetings
AC Irvine Travel fund
(external link)
[* For non-Oxford readers: The "University year" runs as follows:
Michaelmas term (October to December),
Hilary term (January to March),
Trinity term (May and June). ]