Oxford University Cave Club

OUCC Home Page

"OUCC this term"


For general queries about OUCC, contact the Secretary or the President; or failing them, the Senior Member, who may not know what's happening but probably will know who does.

OUCC is on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/181624371923509

You can subscribe to the OUCC mailing lists.

What Who College / Dept. Email
Senior Member** Steve Roberts St. Edmund Hall senior-member@oucc.org.uk
President** Rocky Yu Queen's president@oucc.org.uk
Secretary Toby Mann St Edmund Hall secretary@oucc.org.uk
Meets Secretary Fiona Zhang Queen's meetsec@oucc.org.uk
Senior Treasurer * Jeremy Welch University Offices treasurer@oucc.org.uk
Junior Treasurer * Fiona Zhang Queen's treasurer@oucc.org.uk
Equipment & Lamps Máté Soós Christchurch gear@oucc.org.uk
Training Rocky Yu Queen's training@oucc.org.uk
Safety Frances Pope IT Services safety@oucc.org.uk
Welfare Fiona Zhang Queen's welfare@oucc.org.uk
Alumni Steve Roberts St. Edmund Hall alumni@oucc.org.uk
Webmaster Steve Roberts St. Edmund Hall webmaster@oucc.org.uk
IT meister John Pybus Humanities Division tech@oucc.org.uk
Library & Archive Steve Roberts St. Edmund Hall library@oucc.org.uk

* Desperate to pay off those debts to OUCC ?  Three easy ways to pay - in order of the Treasurers'  preference:

  1. Go to Oxford University Stores  and make a “Miscellaneous Trip payment” of your choice with a debit or credit card.
  2. Pay in directly to
    OU Cave Club
    Lloyd's Bank, Carfax, Oxford
    s/c: 30 - 11 - 27
    a/c: 00232090
    But tell the Treasurers what you have done, and why!
  3. Write a cheque, payable to "OU Cave Club" (not to "OUCC": too many OU<C*>Clubs)
    and send it to: Jeremy Welch, Student Administration, 4 Worcester Street, Oxford, OX1 2BX (you can use the University's internal post system.)

** There has been a recent change in nomenclature of some posts, so as to bring the club into alignment with Oxford University Sport's standard post titles.
What was "President" is now "Senior Member", and what was "Chair" is now "President".