Oxford University Cave ClubAGM 1960Treasurer's Report |
Minutes, etc. |
Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen,
A Treasurer's report is almost invariably and inevitably dull; I will therefore endeavour to be as clear and concise as possible.
The income, which at present comes solely from subscriptions, now appears to have become steady at about 5 pounds a term. At the present rate of subscription of 5 shillings a term this covers expenditure but does not leave much with which to play.
The chief items of expenditure are payment of speakers' expenses and the hire of lantern slide equipment. If at any time anyone knows of someone who would be prepared to lend a suitable projector free of charge I am sure the new committee would be grateful for the information.
It was suggested that because the cost per head was rather high when only a few people went on a trip, that a system of a fixed cost for all trips should be instituted. The club has effect subsidised the last trip by one pound, ten shillings. I trust that in the future you will respond more enthusiastically on arrangement of trips.
As you may have noticed we have indulged in posters with the club printed at the top. With economy in mind a supply sufficient for three years has been purchased, at a reduced rate, and the committee has made a temporary loan to even out the cost.
I should like to end by saying that I have enjoyed my two years of office. Although I fear I have made a number of rather disruptive suggestions I hope that the financial state I bequeath to my successor is more stable than the one I originally took over.
Thank you.
C. M. A. Anderson