Oxford University Cave Club

TGM Michaelmas 2003 


Minutes, etc.

"OUCC this term"

OUCC Home Page

Meeting commenced at 9.20pm.


Rosa Clements, pod, Sarah McCullogh, Dave Legg, John Pybus, Chris Densham, Gareth Phillips, Simon Goddard, Eleanor Packham, Matthew Balaam, Tatiana Niki Porova, Matthew Robinson, Christian Fernar, Jeremy Welch.

Apologies for absence:

Paul Garver (Chris Densham chaired), Steve Roberts.

Matters arising from the Trinity Term TGM, 2003:

  1. Nobody knows whether Doyle has transferred the balance from his expedition to the Special Projects Fund.
  2. SRT wall in Iffley Road. The sports federation will not fund an SRT wall.
  3. Discussion of an application for a one-off grant from the Sports Federation was deferred to the Treasurer's report.
  4. AC Irvine Fund grant to be discussed under 'Any other business'.
  5. The rope washer has not yet been sorted out.
  6. The trailer was fixed, but Dave told the meeting that it now needs further repairs. Discussion of this was deferred to the Expedition leader's report.
  7. Changes in membership fees were discussed in the treasurer's report.
  8. Risk assessment and code of conduct. Chris told the meeting what these are and that they're posted on the Club website. John pointed out that a policy on novice trip leaders must soon be presented to the Sports Federation. Chris proposed, 'Novice trip leaders will be approved by at least two current or former committee members on or before the day of the trip.' This was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously by the meeting.
  9.  Relocation of Clubs' Committee. Simon went to a meeting about this on 7th November and reported back to the meeting. Next September, Clubs' Committee will move its offices to Littlegate House on St. Clements and its storage facilities to the sports centre on Iffley Road. It is likely that OUCC gear will move to Iffley Road. Simon told the Club's Committee meeting that we needed storage that:
    a. is large, ideally larger than what we have now - certainly no smaller,
    b. is very secure,
    c. is waterproof,
    d. has 24 hours access,
    e. has vehicles access,
    f. has electricity and running water.
    By the end of this calendar year, we must give the Clubs' Committee a very detailed report of what we need. The meeting agreed that this should be sorted out by the end of term and mandated Matthew and Simon to do this.
  10. Sports Federation TGM. This will take place on Thursday 13th November. Dave agreed to go and represent the Club.
  11. Novices: personal details and address list. Discussion of this was deferred to the Treasurer's report.

Officers' reports:

President's report (delivered by Chris Densham):

OUCC Proceedings, 14 and 15. Steve has contacted Pauline; she will post him material for Proc 14. John said that if Hilary will take on the main editor job, he will assist. Tim said that he thought Proc 14 should be sorted out first.

Insurance: our BCRA third party insurance has expired, but the University's insurance should cover us. However, it is not entirely clear whether non-University members are covered. Chris said that, in principle, 20% of our membership could be non-matriculated members. Paul is trying to arrange a meeting with the Safety Officer from the Sports Federation in which this issue will be raised and clarified. SRT wall: covered under 'Matters arising'. Steve points out that the Oxford Brookes climbing wall is available for our practices.

Chair's report:

no report

Meets Secretary's report:

Sarah thanked everybody who has helped with meets and told the meeting that she will need to delegate a lot of meets organisation, due to other commitments. John said that it might make things easier if meets organisation was delegated before the beginning of term, as it used to be.  Secretary's report: There will be a Christmas meal on Wednesday, 3rd December at the Standard Tandoori on Walton Street, at 8pm. Dave will be doing a talk on expedition on Wednesday of 7th week.

Treasurer's report:

Finances are quite well organised this term. Long term debt was sorted out at the President's Invite meet. The Sports Federation has given us a grant of £250. This week is the deadline for the supplementary grant; John will apply for this and ask for new equipment. Tim suggested asking for a specific item with safety implications, such as lights. Matthew told the meeting that we currently have to hire lights to meet the demand from novices. John said that he would ask for £200 for lights.

Last TGM, student membership rates were discussed. The new membership chargers are: £25 standard rate, £15 for students (£5 for the first term for novice students), £10 for country members. John appealed to meet organisers to fill out the necessary forms, detailing who attended, what food and transport they used, etc. Also, it is very important to get next of kin/medical forms from novices. This is a requirement of the University, but there have been problems with it this term. Tim suggested that Steve add it to his Freshers' talk.

Gear officer's report:

Matthew told the meeting that we need some large over-suits. John said that he would seek grant money to pay for these. Tim offered seven FX2 batteries (and maybe two headsets as well) to the club.

Expedition leader's report:

Expedition went and we achieved our goal. The trailer needs repairing. There will be an Expedition dinner on Saturday night at Hi-Lo on Cowley Road.

Any other business:

Steve and Gavin will contact the AC Irvine Fund regarding travel grants. Chris suggested applying for money for equipment, as well.

Meeting closed at 10.35pm.