The following people were present: Andrew Mawer, Rick Padfield, Simon
Goddard, Pod
The following offered apologies by email: Paul Savage, Lou Maurice,
Simon Headford, Jamie Jordan, Nick Edwards
Matters arising from previous minutes
- Simon Goddard to arrange for club oversuits to be repaired – will be done
when caving stops for the summer
- Mandate the club to have at least 4 SRT kits – done
- Club accounts to presented to senior members by TT09 – not done.
- John Pybus to make available the average for club weekends to be placed on
the website for future guidance. – done
- John Pybus to send Steve Roberts Proc. 14 contents page in HTML – unknown
- Library catalogue to be uploaded to the website at least once a term -
- Jamie Jordan to colour code and inventory all current club kits and to
encourage lenders of personal kit to provide the club with an inventory – done
- Steve Roberts to update RA and CoC on club website – unknown.
- Jamie Jordan to purchase “freak sized” willies – done
- Club should encourage personal kit to be labelled and for lenders of
personal kit to provide an inventory to the club– ongoing
- Paul Savage to compose amendment to the code of conduct that implies that
the OUCC will buy and maintain its own SRT kits. Also that the recipients of
personally loaned gear will be liable to replace any lost items of kit while
in their charge but that the club will, if no monies are forth coming
underwrite any loss. - unknown
Action Points
- Push to recruit as many freshers as possible at the upcoming fair. Current
strategy deemed acceptable, but there are inherent problems with a lack of
knowledge of caving as it is not a particularly high profile sport .
- Consider changing trinity TGMs to earlier in the term since absenteeism is
probably due to exam pressure, absenteeism in turn resulted in an
underproductive meeting.
- John Pybus to update club accounts. Perhaps help is needed?
- President’s invite. The club would like to remind members that during
25-27 November all members past and present are invited to the old school
house, Chapel le Dale for a relaxed weekend with optional caving.