Oxford University Cave Club

OUCC Home Page

"OUCC this term"


All non-mobile phone numbers are Oxford (01865) and all Email addresses are [address].ox.ac.uk, unless otherwise indicated.

For general queries about OUCC, contact the Secretary, John Williams, or the Chair, Thomas Leung

See also how to subscribe to the OUCC mailing lists.

What Who College / Dept. Home / Mobile Email
("Senior Member")
Steve Roberts St. Edmund Hall 432888 steve.roberts@materials
Chair Thomas Leung St Anne's 07858 462 786 ka.leung@chem
Secretary John Williams   Pembroke 07714 463 596 john.williams@pmb
Meets Secretary Alex Diwa Magdalen   alex.diwa@ndm
Senior Treasurer * Jeremy Welch University Offices 07792 520 481 jeremy.welch@admin
Junior Treasurer * Oliver Robshaw  Wadham 07708 933 681 oliver.robshaw@wadham
Equipment & Lamps Emma Preedy   Christ Church 07840 163 780 emma.preedy@chch
Safety Simon Goddard   07710 946 644 simongoddard4@gmail.com
Expedition 2014 Steph Dwyer ACP facebook page 07816 609 423 steph.dwyer2@facebook.com
DTT editor Andrew Morgan


07766 557 668 andrew.morgan@zoo
Blues Captain John Williams   Pembroke 07714 463 596 john.williams@pmb
Women's Captain Emma Preedy   Christ Church 07840 163 780 emma.preedy@chch
Alumni Steve Roberts St. Edmund Hall 432888 steve.roberts@materials
Webmaster Steve Roberts St. Edmund Hall 432888 steve.roberts@materials
IT meister John Pybus Humanities Division   john.pybus@humanities
Library Steve Roberts St. Edmund Hall 432888 steve.roberts@materials

* Desperate to pay off those debts to OUCC ?  Three easy ways to pay - in order of the Treasurers'  preference:

  1. Go to Oxford University Stores  and make a “Miscellaneous Trip payment” of your choice with a debit or credit card.
  2. Pay in directly to
    OU Cave Club
    Lloyd's Bank, Carfax, Oxford
    s/c: 30 - 11 - 27
    a/c: 00232090
    But tell the Treasurers what you have done, and why!
  3. Write a cheque, payable to "OU Cave Club" (not to "OUCC": too many OU<C*>Clubs)
    and send it to: Jeremy Welch, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD.