Oxford University Cave Club |
OUCC Home Page |
(end of) |
Date | Place | Cost | Accommodation | Meeting Leader |
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1 |
1st - 3rd May | Mendip | Wessex | NEEDED | |
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15th - 16th May | Northern Dales, to include RESCUE TRAINING | BPF (tbc) | Nick Edwards | |
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29th - 30th May | Wales | WSG | NEEDED | |
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12th - 13th June | Devon | Caving Hut / Keith's house (tbc) | Keith Hyams (travel co-ordinator NEEDED) | |
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Vacation |
RESCUE WEEKEND. It is important that we are able to run this, and need to find people to help with the "Rescue Training" aspect. Please volunteer if you think you have the experience. Although primarily aimed at the expedition, this is still a useful thing to do for those not coming on the expedition and fun as well.
In addition Nick Edwards plans to organise a trip to Yorkshire sometime between the end of term and expedition departing. If you're interested please get in touch with your availability,
Accommodation: BEC: Bristol Exploration Club; Blackwalls: Tim's luxury chalet, Pwll Ddu; BPF: Bull Pot Farm; MCG: Mendip Caving Group; NPC: Northern Pennine Club; SWCC: South Wales Caving Club; UBSS: University of Bristol Speleological Society; Wessex; Wessex Caving Club; WSG: Westminster Speleo Group.
Your first caving trip? Read this important information and complete an OUCC Pre-trip details form.
Going to the Dales? Going to Spain? Don't know the ropes ? - try SRT Training.
PLEASE help and volunteer to organise a weekend. If no-one organises the
weekends they won't happen.
There is a detailed crib sheet on the website telling you exactly how to
organise a weekend. TAKE A LOOK.
Other meets may be organised - please check at Wednesday meetings or via the OUCC mailing lists.